Economic Redevelopment & Regeneration
General Info

Tanzania and Development Studies

Tanzania: A Political Economy, Oxford University Press, 2nd edition 2013

Improving the Contribution of Agricultural Research to Economic Growth in Tanzania: Policy Implications of a Scoping Study in Tanzania, Working Paper 12/0093, London: International Growth Centre, 2012 (with Bitrina Diyamett)

The Agrarian Question: The Scholarship of David Mitrany Revisited, Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol.41 No.3  (2014)  pp.405-419

‘The Political Economy of Tanzania 1967-2017: Reimagining the State’.  In David Potts (ed.) Tanzania at 50. Boydell and Brewer, 2019

(with Joseph Kuzilwa, Bahati Ilembo, Daniel Mpeta) ‘Contract Farming in Tanzania: Experiences from Tobacco and Sunflower’.  In David Potts (ed.) Tanzania at 50., Boydell and Brewer, 2019

(with Antony Ellman and Emmanuel Mbiha) Increasing Production from the Land: A Sourcebook on Agriculture for Teachers and Students in East Africa, Mkuki na Nyota Dar es Salaam  (available from the African Book Collective in the UK), 2018.

Economic Development and Regeneration

Land-use Planning and Community Influence: A Study of Selly Oak, Birmingham Planning Practice and Research Vol.18, Nos.2-3, 2003

Partnership Governance: Being a Non-Executive Director, Local Economy, Vol.22, No.3, pp.302-6, 2007

(with Caterina Ferrario)  ‘“Institutional Thickness”: Local Governance and Economic Development in Birmingham, England’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.31, No.3 (2007).

Responding to Redundancy, How-to Guide No.1, in series on Responding to Worklessness. Improvement and Development Agency, 2009 http://www.idea.gov.uk/idk/aio/10131380

(with Martin Willis) ‘Local Authorities Working in Partnerships: Panacea or False Dawn’ in David Bailey and Caroline Chapain (eds.) The Recession and Beyond: Local Authority Responses to the Downturn, Routledge, 2011

(with Geoff Wright) Brindleyplace, Birmingham: Creating an Inner City Mixed-Use Development in Times of Recession. Planning Practice and Research, Vol.28, No.2, 2013


Scrutiny: Theory and Practice in Local Government, University of Birmingham, 2010

Holding Politicians to Account? Overview and Scrutiny in English Local Government, Public Money and Management, Vol.32, No.3 (2012) pp.185-192 (with Philip Whiteman)

‘Scrutiny in English Local Government and the Role of Councillors’, The Political Quarterly, Vol.82, No.1 (2011) pp.102-111